When the drugs don’t work
ReAct har publicerat en rapport som beskriver hur antibiotikaresistens påverkar hela samhället och är ett hot mot WHO hållbarhetsmål (Sustainable Development Goals) och Agenda 2030
Citat från rapporten:
”antibiotics are starting to lose their effectiveness due to resistant infections, and the consequences will be far-reaching if decisive and rapid action is not taken globally and systematically.Antibiotic resistance would seriously jeopardise the achievement of several of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).Therefore, antibiotic resistance must be included in the work on sustainable development, and should be seen as a strong additional reason to urgently increase the work on the Sustainable Development Goals”
”- There are no quick fixes – antibiotic resistance is a systems failure and thus all sectors need to contribute to a change and jointly securing that antibiotics remain effective. To limit the effects of antibiotic resistance, we have to let go of antibiotic resistance as a health issue only and start seeing it as a critical global development issue we all take ownership over.”  Otto Cars, grundare av ReAct
Några bilder från rapporten i ppt-fil When the drugs dont work ReAct 2019